Vintage Halloween Collectibles Guidebooks
Vintage Halloween Collectibles Guidebooks: As the image states above, The Halloween Retrospect is a new guidebook series for vintage Halloween collectibles as a digest series for collectors seeking an archive and library research emphasis on the novelty markets of yesteryear (1900-1979). And so, while recent blog entries have focused on bits of this-and-that related to articles inside the editions of The Halloween Retrospect ( available on THR's Bookstore via Etsy ), this particular entry reviews the books' contents as well as page samples and poster inserts. Guidebooks for the vintage Halloween collector with a focus on vintage research through vintage sources. As noted elsewhere, it is my wish as jack o'lantern of all trades , that is, as the author, editor, collector, archivist, librarian, artist, designer, publisher, and seller for this book series, that you too are seeking more details about old Halloween than previously available these last twenty or so years. In ...