
Showing posts with the label bean pot

Cider Keg Moon

Sane Halloween Observer As might be guessed from the previous blog introduction  there is a real thrill discovering sets, or additions to sets, (by someone who loves obscurities). And these cards really wowed me!  Here are five (are there more?) wonderfully illustrated and poetic cards featuring weird witches, bedraggled cats, skulls, elves, and an odd moon seemingly spirited up from a cider keg. These likely date from the early 20th century, judging from the addition of gold (below) seen during 1920's / 1930's paper goods by Rust Craft, Whitney, Dennison, and Gibson.   These seem close to character designs found on a  Whitney  (?) product (particularly the witches and cats)... but I'm no longer certain after noticing items from another postcard set (example shown below) with a "M in a teapot beanpot" mark on the back: Update 12-1-2014:  an active member of the Vintage Halloween group on facebook (

Halloween Hoards

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