
Showing posts with the label puzzle

Vintage Halloween Puzzles

Vision-wary Architects freebie mailer: By way of quick introduction, the photo above is a visual celebration that shows all the postcards that went out in a batch mailer the week of July 21, 2024 - to all who previously purchased any volume of The Halloween Retrospect guidebook reference . Thank you!!!  Sending out a mailer in such numbers really proved to this author how much support has found its way to The Halloween Retrospect archive library . A head-spinning number of crossword cards going out to those who in past purchased any volume of The Halloween Retrospect. The story behind the postcard is this.... Since the release June 2024 of new reference  THR,  Vol 3  ( link here to THR book store ) the author has been continuing in background with the creation of brain-teasers for autumn fans. You might recall that Volume 3 is the first in the THR series to contain a "Puzzle Bulletin" with a vintage-Halloween themed crossword "Afterworld Lodger" inspired by th...

Halloween Collector References (Year in Review)

Halloween Collector Guides THR - a year in review As of late June 2024 (almost a year since the first book) there will be  three volumes  of The Halloween Retrospect  ( and a new art survey book added below as of September ) for the Halloween collector to add to their shelf of vintage references supporting that collection of visual survey books. THR is full of informative research articles that focus on certain market items as seen in the pages of various primary sources (mainly ~550 catalogs of consumer/vendor materials 1900-1979) and other archive materials across the United States (such as Framingham History Center for THR, V2 or Hallmark Archives for THR, V3 ). Guidebooks for the vintage Halloween collector with a focus on vintage research through vintage sources. If you are just now encountering The Halloween Retrospect archive library and its in-house publishing, please see the Home page (for introduction and a list of numerous blog entries) or check out variou...

Halloween Hoards

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